Loving Yourself is Hard When You Don’t

Loving yourself is one of the most difficult things to do, especially when you don’t have the tools or resources to learn how. Without the proper guidance and support, it can be hard to break out of a negative mindset and find self-acceptance. I know this from personal experience, as I never learned how to love myself and therefore I naturally hated and spoke unwell dialogue often sabotaging my own life.

For far too many of us, learning how to love ourselves can be a challenge. Taking the time to do something as seemingly simple as giving yourself positive affirmations or remembering that you are worthy and valuable can present an immense emotional barrier. On top of this, if we have ever spoken unwell dialogue about ourselves or been subjected to hateful rhetoric from others, it is even harder. The difficulty of loving yourself makes sense: it is possible to learn all the wrong lessons from the world around us, and those lessons can seep into our psyche and sabotage our self-love.

Embracing who we are is one of the most difficult, yet powerful things we can do. Sadly, too many of us feel like loving ourselves is an insurmountable task or simply cannot even contemplate the idea. For many years I hadn’t taken the opportunity to learn about myself, and instead I internalized whatever negative thoughts others had about me. Little did I know that this was slowly chipping away at my self-confidence and self-love.

All of us have experienced some form of self-loathing in our lives at some point. Whether it is because of something someone said about us or something we said about ourselves, learning to love oneself can be a difficult task.

I know this because I have been in the same situation. In fact, I became obsessed with hating myself and for years held my own potential back because someone else made me believe I wasn’t worth anything. It took me a while to realize that I was only hurting myself, and that loving myself was the only way I could unlock my true potential.

One of the most important aspects of leading a healthy and fulfilling life is to make sure you take time for yourself. While it can be difficult to love yourself, it is not impossible. I know there are many of us out here who wake up every morning and think “fuck this”. However, being kind to yourself and carving out time for self-care can help us learn to appreciate ourselves more.

My advice would be to find what you love doing and keep busy doing the things that bring you joy. For example, if you like exercising, then set aside some time each day for physical activity. If reading inspires you, find books that will spark your interest and engage with them on a regular basis. Whatever it is that brings you positivity and motivation – don’t take it for granted!


Josh Frihse is a multi-faceted artist who has been creating music since he was a teenager. He is not only an artist but also a creator, dreamer, content creator, and dad of two boys. Josh has dedicated his life to building up the community through his music and other projects. His passion for music is evident in his work as he creates meaningful lyrics that have the power to move people. Moreover, Josh’s content creation skills are impressive as he can create videos, podcasts and other types of content that engage viewers. He is also an advocate for social causes and actively works to make the world a better place. With all these qualities combined, Josh Frihse is truly an inspiring individual who brings out the best in others around him.








I Take Your Trash & Make Beauty- I’m F*cking Exhausted

For years growing up the first words to flow into my ears when I would wake up as an innocent child wasn’t warm, wasn’t nice, wasn’t pleased to see me- it was complaints, anger, jealousy, greed, mental illness, and pain. All of this misery that passed down through the generations of two families that had merged had made its way to me and began to seep in and rot me from within. Forced to grow up at an early age to comprehend the few words I did know at that age I always felt this harrowing need to heal and help but I became the darkest being instead.

I’ve always been cunning with words and usually I can manipulate my way through situations with the things I say (although when it doesn’t work ITS AN EXPLOSION). But as I learned and honed this technique I noticed that it was soothing to those around me, at first, before I realized I could also use it to drive people away to seclude and protect myself. That’s exactly what I did and over time I felt that it was necessary because I had and still have more questions than answers and what it did for me was strip me down to nothing until it was me and the mirror.. and then I tried to shoot & hang the guy in the mirror.

I’m self destructive, self hating, self loathing and self sabotaging and I hate myself for it-it’s okay to laugh if you found this funny, I giggled- but seriously over time as I have explored these feelings I realize that they’ve been innately developed as a weapon of self defense towards those that have and continue to hurt me.. but there’s another side.

There’s a gentle, fun, free and alive side of me that takes all of that anger and bitterness and harnesses it into beauty. It still hurts but it hurts less, it might be a work in progress but it’s no longer like a thick hot sticky tar stuck to my feet as I trudge through life and those voices that drove my anger and mind to the brink of insanity have become a muse that I hate to love and love to hate.

The pain I feel is still insurmountable and still affects me for days or even weeks, it’s like I’m looking at the physical nature of someone I know but it’s a different brain and it’s wired to hurt me, but maybe it’s always been that way and I’ve just become aware. Either way I’m realizing that it’s not so much about me and my personal feelings as it is about what I create for others like me and whom are willing to listen with those feelings- that’s why I’m here, that’s why you hate me but that’s why

I Take Your Trash and Make Beauty


Josh Frihse is a multi-faceted artist who has been creating music since he was a teenager. He is not only an artist but also a creator, dreamer, content creator, and dad of two boys. Josh has dedicated his life to building up the community through his music and other projects. His passion for music is evident in his work as he creates meaningful lyrics that have the power to move people. Moreover, Josh’s content creation skills are impressive as he can create videos, podcasts and other types of content that engage viewers. He is also an advocate for social causes and actively works to make the world a better place. With all these qualities combined, Josh Frihse is truly an inspiring individual who brings out the best in others around him.

Bipolar, ADHD & Mental Hellth- Weathering the Storm

Living with bipolar disorder and ADHD can feel like trying to navigate through a stormy sea with a leaky boat. Both conditions can create intense waves of emotions and impulsive behaviors that can be difficult to control.

Bipolar disorder can feel like being on a roller coaster ride with extreme highs and lows. When in a manic episode, it can feel like flying high in the sky, with a rush of energy and creativity. But when the depressive episode hits, it can feel like sinking to the bottom of the ocean, with overwhelming feelings of sadness and hopelessness. These mood swings can be unpredictable and can often feel out of control.

ADHD can feel like trying to focus on a single drop of water in a turbulent ocean. It can be challenging to pay attention to a task at hand and stay focused for an extended period. It can feel like thoughts and ideas are constantly shifting and moving, like waves crashing onto the shore. It can be challenging to stay organized and manage time, which can create a sense of chaos and overwhelm.

The combination of bipolar disorder and ADHD can create a perfect storm of emotions and impulsivity. It can feel like being caught in the middle of a tornado, with thoughts and emotions swirling around uncontrollably. It can be challenging to manage the intense energy and impulsivity that comes with both conditions, making it challenging to maintain stable relationships and keep a job.

But just as storms eventually pass, there is hope for those with bipolar disorder and ADHD. With the right treatment and support, it is possible to weather the storm and find calm waters. Medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes can help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.

It may take time to find the right treatment approach, but with patience and persistence, it is possible to find stability and balance. Living with bipolar disorder and ADHD can be challenging, but it can also bring unique gifts and perspectives. By embracing these differences and seeking help when needed, those with these conditions can navigate the stormy seas and find a path to a fulfilling life.

I’ve started a new YouTube shorts channel that feature videos with short inspiring phrases to start your days off with a sense of calm. I’m hoping to grow out a community of people like myself who suffer from these conditions and might need a bit of support or encouragement.

I am not a certified counselor but I am always available to talk via email if you are going through a hard time or just need a bit of insight to help you through your day @ joshfrihse@me.com

Being a Stay @ home Dad

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of men choosing to be stay-at-home dads. Traditionally, the role of a caregiver and homemaker has been viewed as a feminine one, but with more women entering the workforce and challenging traditional gender roles, men are now embracing this role as well. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and challenges of being a stay-at-home dad.

Benefits of Being a Stay-at-Home Dad

  1. Bonding with Children One of the biggest benefits of being a stay-at-home dad is the opportunity to bond with your children. When you’re the primary caregiver, you get to spend a lot of quality time with your kids, and you’re able to develop a deep connection with them that may not be possible if you’re working outside the home.
  2. Flexibility Being a stay-at-home dad can offer more flexibility in terms of scheduling. You can structure your day to accommodate your children’s needs, which can be especially helpful if you have young children who require a lot of attention.
  3. Career Advancement Although it may seem counterintuitive, being a stay-at-home dad can actually be beneficial for your career in the long run. You develop valuable skills such as time management, organization, and multitasking, which can be useful in any job.

Challenges of Being a Stay-at-Home Dad

  1. Social Isolation One of the biggest challenges of being a stay-at-home dad is the potential for social isolation. Stay-at-home moms have formed tight-knit communities, but stay-at-home dads may not have the same support system. This can be especially difficult if you’re the only stay-at-home dad in your neighborhood or social circle.
  2. Financial Strain Another challenge of being a stay-at-home dad is the financial strain that it can put on your family. If you’re not earning an income, you may be relying solely on your partner’s salary, which can be stressful.
  3. Gender Stereotypes Despite the growing acceptance of stay-at-home dads, there are still some gender stereotypes that can make it challenging. For example, some people may view stay-at-home dads as less masculine or may assume that they’re not as committed to their careers.

Tips for Being a Successful Stay-at-Home Dad

  1. Build a Support Network One of the best things you can do as a stay-at-home dad is to build a support network. Connect with other stay-at-home dads in your community or join online forums or Facebook groups for stay-at-home dads. This can help combat social isolation and provide you with a sense of camaraderie.
  2. Communicate with Your Partner Communication is key when it comes to being a successful stay-at-home dad. Talk to your partner about your roles and responsibilities, and make sure you’re both on the same page about expectations. It’s important to have open and honest communication to ensure that your family is functioning smoothly.
  3. Take Care of Yourself As a stay-at-home dad, it’s easy to put all of your focus on your children and neglect your own needs. However, it’s important to take care of yourself as well. Make time for exercise, hobbies, and social activities to help prevent burnout.

In conclusion, being a stay-at-home dad can be a rewarding and fulfilling role, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. By building a support network, communicating with your partner, and taking care of yourself, you can be a successful stay-at-home dad and provide your children with the love and attention they need.

5 Hard Truths about life

Not everything if really anything in life is easy or fair. There’s much pretending and a whole lot of smoke screens put up to try and mitigate the seriousness of life, but at the end of the day.. life is what it is and you need to enjoy it.

Here are 5 Hard to hear but true statements about life

1. Life is not fair: Despite our desire for justice and fairness, life does not always operate in a way that is just or fair. Some people are born into privilege, while others struggle to make ends meet. Some people face greater challenges than others. It’s important to acknowledge and work to overcome systemic inequalities, but we must also accept that life is not always fair.

2. Failure is a necessary part of success: Failure is often seen as something to be avoided, but it’s actually an essential component of growth and success. Without failure, we would never learn the lessons that help us improve and grow. Embrace your failures and use them as stepping stones towards achieving your goals.

3. You cannot please everyone: No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone who is unhappy with you. It’s impossible to please everyone, and trying to do so will only lead to stress and burnout. Focus on being true to yourself and doing what you believe is right, rather than trying to please everyone else.

4. Change is inevitable: Change is a constant in life, and no matter how much we might want things to stay the same, they never do. Accepting and adapting to change is essential for growth and resilience.

5. Happiness is not a destination: Happiness is not something that can be achieved by reaching a certain goal or acquiring a certain possession. It’s a state of being that comes from within. Focus on cultivating inner peace and contentment, rather than constantly chasing external sources of happiness.

6. Your time is limited: None of us know how much time we have on this earth, and it’s important to make the most of the time we do have. Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter, and prioritize the people and activities that bring you the most joy and fulfillment.



What is home, is it an idea? Is it a place? Is it the people you spend time with? What is home and how does someone discover the comforts of it?

I’ve never felt “at home” just more like being inside from the outside but with more rules. Don’t touch that, don’t move this, don’t say that, don’t make a mess, don’t don’t don’t..

In my early teen years “home” just became a place that wasn’t outside where I could sleep safely because I was locked out of my designated house often.

I’ve heard others describe home as a safe place to build, feel safe and rejuvenate but I often find home to be stressful, loud and crowded especially now with two toddlers under my feet constantly and a general uneasiness of trying to belong and understand where and if I even fit in a “home”

I’ve never really put an importance on the idea of a family nucleus or moving together as one because I don’t understand the concept. My experience has been multiple personalities under one roof whom tolerate each other and put on a good face outside of the house but once in it everyone disappears away from each other and when there is times of coming together it’s for a fight..

What is “home”? I don’t honestly know

Maybe it’s just me being okay with me

S.A.H.D Vibes (Stay at home dad)

There’s no doubt that the stay at home dad is undervalued and overlooked in a lot of aspects and it’s not any one particular person’s fault. Over time society has taught that women are the main care takers of children and historically have been the ones to stay home to watch after them. In the age of the late 2000’s I am seeing the stay at home dad trend upwards though as society changes and therefore the gender roles questioned. Many articles and new stories have been coming out in the last 2-3 years talking about how many dads- millennials in particular are opting to stay home with the kids while the mom goes off to work.


I am a 33 year old dad of two VERY active toddler boys, Greyson & Asher, and I stay home with them Monday through Friday and work full time weekends and overnights while my girlfriend works the typical 9-5 M-F type shift. Previously I was a mailman for twelve years basically since I graduated high school and manually labored everyday of my life until my children were born. At the news of my first son Grey’s conception I knew immediately that I could not continue working the job or hours that I was with kids.. something had to give and I was the “chosen one” to stay home with the kids and that’s exactly what I have been doing for the last three years.

Cleaning, oh my god all I do is clean and cook and do dishes and give baths and did I mention I clean up, btw I pick up toys all day did I say that?

It’s been anything but easy these kids are so unbelievably frustrating and there’s few resources for a stay at home parent to turn to let alone one of male stature. I haven’t had much of a choice however so I packed in and I have learned so much about and through my kids and found so many weaknesses within myself that I had no idea were there before. I’ve had to deal with my own trauma to deal with seemingly nothing episodes that has my child throwing a tantrum on the floor. I’ve had to put aside things I’ve wanted to do and probably lost out on opportunities or fresh ideas because one of my children needed something. I’ve had to push my feelings and frustrations aside many times after realizing that while my kids love me they don’t care, they don’t have time for daddy to break down, they need to be provided for and loved and that’s just that. Anything and everything that has had to do with past or sometimes even current me I often have had to put in the closet, bolt up the closet and then light it on fire cause there wasn’t any time for that!

Being a stay-at-home dad can be both challenging and rewarding. Not only do you get to spend more time with your family, but you also get the opportunity to find pieces of yourself through your children that you never want to give up on.

You will undoubtedly face challenges along the way- like cleaning, did I mention I clean all day?? From financial insecurity to feeling like an outsider in a world that is geared towards the traditional family system. But with dedication and patience, being a stay-at-home dad can be incredibly fulfilling for both parent and children alike.

All parents know how hard it is to raise children. But for fathers who stay at home, this can be an especially daunting task. There’s a new sort of consciousness that awakens in stay-at-home dads — one that makes you feel emotions deep within yourself for these beautifully annoying little people you’ve never felt before. The job of being a father is no easy task, but there are rewards that come along with it that make it worthwhile. Whether it’s learning as your child grows or gaining a new perspective and appreciation for life, there are many reasons why being a stay-at-home father can be a rewarding experience and it definitely is for me


Josh Frihse is a multi-faceted artist who has been creating music since he was a teenager. He is not only an artist but also a creator, dreamer, content creator, and dad of two boys. Josh has dedicated his life to building up the community through his music and other projects. His passion for music is evident in his work as he creates meaningful lyrics that have the power to move people. Moreover, Josh’s content creation skills are impressive as he can create videos, podcasts and other types of content that engage viewers. He is also an advocate for social causes and actively works to make the world a better place. With all these qualities combined, Josh Frihse is truly an inspiring individual who brings out the best in others around him.







